In July of 2000 someone asked about strike indicators, and I replied in part:
> So it really doesn't matter what you use for a bobber. Dry flies used
> thusly are functionally equivalent to red and white plastic bobbers,
> and to answer your questions about those you need only post to a
> baitfishing newsgroup where all the real experts hang out.
That was apparently all it took. :)
From: Mark McMillan
Subject: Re: Using Dry as Indicator . . . Bobber KU
Hopper tied on hook
bead head dropper hanging down
bobbers on my mind
From: Jason Tinling
Subject: Re: Using Dry as Indicator . . . Bobber KU
Tie Whitlock's bobber,
terrestrial tracks little nymph
floating, pausing, set!
Fuzzy above nymph
used to draw strikes, or see them?
The Rainmaker weeps
From: Blake Werner
Subject: Re: ... Bobber KU
floating on the film
red and white hair decadence
deep down he's bubba
From: Sue Kreutzer
Subject: Re: ... Bobber KU
no bubba bobber ?
liar liar pants on fire
proof soon is coming
From: Chris Knight
Subject: Re: ... Bobber KU
Proof coming only
if Werner thesis is right:
dries always bobbers
From: Mark McMillan
Subject: Re: ... Bobber KU
Thesis must be right
purist and bubba unite
only bobbers float
From: Jason Tinling
Subject: Re: ... Bobber KU
Rainmaker to be found
with fly down (and across?), shows
red and white...boxers?
From: Agust Gudmundsson
Subject: Re: ... Bobber KU
Artificial bait
Bobber disappears from sight
pass me a cold bud
Better not sign this one....
From: Fred Smith
Subject: Re: ... Bobber KU
floating on the film
red and white hair decadence
deep down he's bubba
Ten percenter he
bobbers and garden hackle
hidden in his past
From: Eli Robillard
Subject: Re: ... Bobber KU
Bobbers in the Rain
Exchanging glances, Where'd my
Bobber go, damnit.
Fish, meet me half way
and stop striking the bobber
Never nymph again.
From: Clyde Watson
Subject: Re: ... Bobber KU
Rednecks and bobbers
Red & white, colors are they
One uses other
Up, down, up, down, under
Jerk the pole, fish goes flying
Bobber hits forehead
Flying fish hits chest
Hook penetrates right nipple
Instant urban freak